Each course will include discussion on what you are using now and how a unique version of each class topic can be used to suit your company needs to save man hours and cost.
Project Tracker Chart– Visual chart with color legend for review of status.
Weekly Technical Review (WTR)–Meeting content improvement, agenda and timing improvement.
Daily Activities Tracker (DAT) – Setting Up daily work activities (8 hr workday) Improving priorites.
Controlling Email – Sorting email and folders and filters, subject line principles.
CAD Model Naming Conventions – Strategies and improvements.
Weekly Manager Log – Maintaining accurate control and risks to projects, data and visual overview of status.
Supplier Updates and follow-up – Improving relationship timing and quality to support customer requirements.
Program Timeline Chart(WFR) – Visual tracking of key production dates and completion of project tasks.
Weekly Financial Review – Key Finance Charts and Approval of tasks to support project management overview.